Welcome to the new Glossmagazineonline.com Blog! This is where YOU get to comment on the stories in YOUR online magazine!
In This Issue:
Top Story: Sheryl Underwood: Nothing to Laugh At
You probably have seen her on BET as the hilarious host of Comic View, or heard her unique brand of comedy on the Tom Joyner Morning Show. Maybe you have been fortunate enough to be in the audience of one of her shows, or seen her movies. But did this article give you another view of the comedian? Post your thoughts here!
Spotlight: Homosexuality in the Church
What are your thoughts on homosexuality in the church? Do you think there is a "problem" or is discussion of sexuality not relevant in terms of your faith? Does it matter what your sexual preference is? Does it? Post your thoughts here.
Special Feature: Seasonal Sensations
Have you been in romantic bliss with your significant other all winter––just to be dumped once April hits? Is there something to the "spring fling" attitude and why is it that men, and women, seem less interested in the person who kept them warm all winter once the seasons change? Post your thought here!
Beauty & Fashion
Health & Fitness
Finance & Business
Employment Issues
Poetry/Creative Writing/Photography
So go ahead, post your thoughts here! Simply make your subject line the story and section you are commenting on and get glossy! You never know, your thoughts may end on GMO next issue!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
January/February 2008 GMO Blog

Welcome to the new Glossmagazineonline.com Blog! This is where YOU get to comment on the stories in YOUR online magazine! In This Issue:
Top Story: Brittney Elizabeth: Love with Open Arms
You've heard her music on MTV and E!, now meet the woman behind the sound!
Spotlight: Deborah Johnson: Black, Female, and in Charge
This woman defines entrepreneur!
Special Feature: Faith-Based Initiative: Is it Working?
Funding from outside the congregation? What do you think?
Beauty & Fashion
Health & Fitness
Finance & Business
Employment Issues
Poetry/Creative Writing/Photography
So go ahead, post your thoughts here! Simply make your subject line the story and section you are commenting on and get glossy! You never know, your thoughts may end on GMO next issue!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
The November/December Gloss Blog
Beauty & Fashion

Post your thoughts on this issue’s beauty and fashion stories here!
• Did GMO staff writer Tyrone get it right? Are these the trends you see walking in your city everyday? What about the trends that YOU want to go far, far away? Post your Glossy thoughts here!
• Getting married? What do you think about the column on wedding make up? What are your tips?
• What are YOU thankful for, that’s in your closet?
Health & Fitness

Post your thoughts on this issue’s heath and fitness here!
• Have you been tested for HPV? Why do you think it is important to be tested?
• What are your quick fit tips? What about “fat free” diet foods? Have you tried them and do you think they are working?
• Does diabetes run in your family? How do you or your loved ones manage the condition and what are your thoughts on lowering one’s chances of developing it?
Finance & Business

Post your thoughts on this issue’s finance and business stories here!
• Dorothy Tucker is African American woman doing big things and Ms. Latesha A. Lipscomb is a young woman on her way. What do you think about these two phenomenal women?
• What are your gift ideas?
• Did you know that there was racism in the fashion industry?
Employment Issue

Post your thoughts on this issue’s lifestyle stories here!
• Ladies, we know you have something to say to Mr. Billy D. Why DO you give your number to guys your not interested in, or do you? Let him have it, he can take it!
• Are you or someone you know a born again virgin? What are some of the issues you face and do you think society supports this lifestyle choice?
• Dating 101: What are YOUR tips for dating?
• Spiritual thoughts: Let us know your thoughts on this month’s spiritual column here.

Post your thoughts on this issue’s education stories here!
• Does it matter where you go to school? Did you attend a HBU or a traditional university, or both? Share your experiences here.
• Are we raising thankful children?
• Add to our Internship Links here:
• What issues in education would like for Glossmagazineonline.com to explore? Post your thoughts here,

Post your thoughts on this issue’s entertainment stories here!
• Do you have the new Trey Songz album? Is it fire? What are your thoughts on the current state of R&B?
• Are you an independent artist looking for that platform to showcase your talent, be it on the mic or with a pen and a pad? Tell us about your struggles trying to break into the industry and let us know what you think about a group like SFT-DC trying to help you do so?
• Fashion week: Were you there? What ARE the hottest trends in your Glossy opinion?
• Jill Scott: Poetry in motion? What do you think about the latest release from the Philly native?

Post your thoughts on this issue’s news stories here!
• Do you have family in Iraq? How do you celebrate the holidays with loved ones so far from home?
• Chicago Fashion: Who’s who and is the city really a fashion force to be reckoned with?
• Are you tired of the 2008 Election coverage too? What are your thoughts on the candidates so far?
• Did you attend the Essence Music Festival this year, or have you gone to New Orleans? What is the feeling there and how has that experience affected you?

Post your thoughts on this issue’s creative pieces here!
• Creative Writing Pieces: Prologue, Sweet 16, To My Child and Psalm 138
• So much power in the words from the GMO staff. What do you think about their stories?
• Poems by Staff Writer Toni White; Do you relate or have a challenging piece? Post it now!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Beauty & Fashion

In This Issue:
Role Model: Kamla Millwood
What do you think about Kamla's story?
Vanity Designer Lines by Celebrities
Do you own some Roca Wear? Baby Phat? G-Unit Wear? Are the clothes only valuable because of the name on the tag?
Glossmagazineonline.com Call for Models!!!
Are you an up-and-coming model, male or female, who would like to be featured in the pages of Glossmagazineonline? Send an email and photos to Models@glossmagazineonline.cim!
Health & Fitness
In This Issue:
Interview with Physical Trainer Cecil Ratliff
What did you think about this interview?
What is Healthy? An examination of what we eat in the black community
Are we killing ourselves with the food that we eat?
Health Topics for You to Consider : What topics would you like to see explored?
Interview with Physical Trainer Cecil Ratliff
What did you think about this interview?
What is Healthy? An examination of what we eat in the black community
Are we killing ourselves with the food that we eat?
Health Topics for You to Consider : What topics would you like to see explored?
Finance & Business

In This Issue:
You Have A Degree, Now What?
What are your tips for finding a job after college? Post them here!
Employment Issues for You to Consider
Glossmagazineonline wants to know what issues you are facing as African American women in the work place. Tell us here!
More Employment Links
Please add to our listing of career resources.

In This Issue:
Fear versus Faith
What are you afraid of? Do you have faith?
Planning a Hot Summer Party
What are your party tips?
Boys, Males, Men and Gentlemen
Do you know any males, men, or gentlemen?
The Importance of Blessing Others
When you wake up in the morning, who is the first person that you think about?

In This Issue:
Phi Beta Caucasian: Whites in Black frats and sororities? What are your thoughts?
Internship Links
Please add to our listing of internship links.
The Quandary of the Hip Hop Intellectual: Part I
Are you a Black intellect?
Issues in Education: What topics would you like to see explored?
Post now, Get Glossy!
Creative Writing
Friday, May 11, 2007
Welcome to the May/June Issue of Glossmagazineonline’s Gloss Blog!

Mecca Bio
You know the drill––post your thoughts on this issues’ stories here. Let us know if we are right on the money or tell us if we are nowhere close!
Also, we would like to take a moment to introduce you to this issues’ featured model, Mecca Gamble. Click on her photo to read all about her!
Ok, yeah, it’s that time: Get Glossy!
Fashion Section

• Spring Into Fashion
• Summer Beauty Picks
• The Truth About Saggin’: What Black Men Don’t Know
• Glossmagazineonline.com Call for Models!!!
What fashion and beauty tips do you have for your Glossy sisters?
What do you think about men saggin’ their jeans?
And are you interested in modeling for Glossmagazineonline? If so send an email to models@glossmagazineonline.com!
Finance/Business Section
• Torn Between the Two-Should You Rent or Buy?
• Will Black People Ever Be Wealthy?
• Black-Owned Businesses
Are you renting and ready to buy? Did you find this article helpful (we thought so, which is why we bought it back!)? What are your thoughts on wealth verses richness? And of course, add those Black Owned Businesses here. Get Glossy!
• Torn Between the Two-Should You Rent or Buy?
• Will Black People Ever Be Wealthy?
• Black-Owned Businesses
Are you renting and ready to buy? Did you find this article helpful (we thought so, which is why we bought it back!)? What are your thoughts on wealth verses richness? And of course, add those Black Owned Businesses here. Get Glossy!
Employment Issues Section

• Employment Links Part II
• Internship Links
• Top 10 Paying Jobs for Women
• Employment Issues for You to Consider
Do you have additions to add to our Employment or Internship listings? If so, post them here. What about other top paying jobs for women? We also really want to hear from you on what other topics related to employment that you want to see in the pages of Glossmagazineonline. Please tell us, Get Glossy!
LifeStyle Section

• Glossmagazineonline Book Club: Pretty Brown Eyes & Sleeping With Enemies
• Dating Black Men: 10 Reasons Why Dating Black Men is So Hard
• Daddy’s Little Girl
• Sometimes Best Friends Become Strangers
Have you read any of the books in this issue’s Book Club? Do you like them? Is Derek destined to be a great author and is Eric Jerome Dickey continuing to live up to his popularity? We KNOW you have thoughts on the article on dating black men, PLEASE men, tell Veronica if she is wrong! And ladies, if you have a good man, let us know (let us know if you agree too)!
Are you a Daddy’s girl who feels loved? Neglected? What about a friend who has been disappointed by someone close to you? Let us know about it, Get Glossy!
Education Section

• Preparing Your Senior for College
• How Can We Close the Racial Academic Achievement Gap?
• The New Education Paradigm in New Orleans
• Tips for Starting a New Semester
Do you know a senior that is entering college, or anyone who is starting a new semester and have any other suggestions for ways to prepare? And what about the summit that Mr. Lynch spoke at? Do you think the event was worthwhile and do you agree with the educator’s thoughts? Get Glossy!
Entertainment Section

• A Musical Journey with SolEdlers
• May/June New Album Releases
• Album Review: Joe’s Ain’t Nothing Like Me
• Spotlight on: Author Derek L. Gray
Have you hear SolEdler or Joe’s latest albums? What are your thoughts? Your favorite tracks? Do you agree with the advice SolEdler gave? On to the author spotlight on Derek L. Gray: Have you read the novel? Do you believe in soulmates? Post your thought here, Get Glossy!
News Section:

• Patiently Waiting: Sex—Who Says that Everyone is Doing it?
• Hip Hop Under Fire
• Media’s Role: Where is Our Coverage?
• Media Mishap
Do you know a 30-year-old virgin? Do you applaud waiting or do you not understand the concept? What about the state of hip hop? Is Russell right? In terms of the media, what is its role and should Imus’ comments have protected speech? Get Glossy!
Creative/Poetry Section

• Poetree to the Rescyou
• Life & Love (10 Questions)
• Womanhood
Creative Writing:
• One Soul, One Love
What do you think? Can poetry rescue you? Are you living life with love, or growing into that womanhood stage? What about the LAST installment of One Soul, One Love (before the novel drops next year)? Should Cynda trust her sister? Let us know, Get Glossy!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Welcome to the Into Spring Edition of the Gloss Blog!
In this issue.....
Getting Floetic with the Songtress: Marsha Angelique Ambrosius
Kev Samples: Vocalist on the Rise
Artist Spotlight on Soul Rebel Media
Who is Terrell Carter?
It’s a New Year – Why Not Launch a Business: Starting a Small Business 101
Candidate for 2008—Part I The Republican Perspective
AND SO MUCH MORE!!! Scroll down to post your thoughts and GET GLOSSY!!!
Beauty & Fashion

Conference to Cocktails: Dressing Up Work Wear
Was this article helpful? How do you transform work wear to cocktail wear?
The Blue Addiction
Are you addicted to jeans? Could you even picture your life without them? Tell us about this very important part of your closet.
Glossmagazineonline.com Call for Models!!!
Are you an up-and-coming model, male or female, who would like to be featured in the pages of Glossmagazineonline.com? If your interested in seeing your face graces the pages of THE online magazine for African American females, send an email, with photos, to models@glossmagazineonline.com.
Health & Fitness
A New Year Means Resolutions—For Your Health
Did you make a New Year's Resolution to get more healthy? Are you (attempting) to eat better and go to the gym? Let us know what you are doing to get and stay healthy in 2007!
Some Questions About Physical Fitness Answered
Were all of your questions answered? If not, post them here and our resident health guru Renita will get back to you!
Did you make a New Year's Resolution to get more healthy? Are you (attempting) to eat better and go to the gym? Let us know what you are doing to get and stay healthy in 2007!
Some Questions About Physical Fitness Answered
Were all of your questions answered? If not, post them here and our resident health guru Renita will get back to you!
Finance & Business
It’s a New Year – Why Not Launch a Business: Starting a Small Business 101
Were these tips helpful? Do you have any of your own? If so, post them here!
Black-Owned Businesses
Hep us expand our listing of Black-Owned Businesses. Post your listings here or email the editor at editor@glossmagazineonline.com.
Were these tips helpful? Do you have any of your own? If so, post them here!
Black-Owned Businesses
Hep us expand our listing of Black-Owned Businesses. Post your listings here or email the editor at editor@glossmagazineonline.com.
Employment Issues
Employment Links Part II
Tell us some of the sites you have visited that contain important employment information. Have any of the sites listed here worked for you?
Employment Issues for You to Consider
Glossmagazineonline wants to know what issues you are facing as African American women in the work place. Are you working in culturally diverse companies? Are you one of the minority or the majority? What about issues with things like equal pay and benefits, as well as with childcare and maternity leave? Do you feel any pressure to act a certain was as woman at work? What about your spouse – is he threatened by the amount of money you make?
We know those are a lot of questions but the staff here at Glossmagazineonline strives to provide you the reader with information that is timely and focused on your individual needs as a part of this wonderfully diverse group of women. Please send us your stories and/or concerns. We want YOU to do the talking, offer advice and give insight on the topic of employment. Send your comments, stories and questions to editor@glossmagazineonline.com or post them here in the Gloss Blog. We look forward to reading and sharing what you have to say!
Tell us some of the sites you have visited that contain important employment information. Have any of the sites listed here worked for you?
Employment Issues for You to Consider
Glossmagazineonline wants to know what issues you are facing as African American women in the work place. Are you working in culturally diverse companies? Are you one of the minority or the majority? What about issues with things like equal pay and benefits, as well as with childcare and maternity leave? Do you feel any pressure to act a certain was as woman at work? What about your spouse – is he threatened by the amount of money you make?
We know those are a lot of questions but the staff here at Glossmagazineonline strives to provide you the reader with information that is timely and focused on your individual needs as a part of this wonderfully diverse group of women. Please send us your stories and/or concerns. We want YOU to do the talking, offer advice and give insight on the topic of employment. Send your comments, stories and questions to editor@glossmagazineonline.com or post them here in the Gloss Blog. We look forward to reading and sharing what you have to say!

Love the One You’re STUCK With
Do you LOVE you? How do you show yourself that you are the most important person to you? Let us know how you take care of number1!
Chris Gardner and the Audacity of Hope
Did you see the movie or read the book? Tell us your thoughts on this special man's story.
Glossmagazineonline Book Club Returns with Dreamgirls - The Novel!
Ok, so we know Oprah did it first, but our book club is for YOU. The titles that we choose to read each month will be - no offense to her greatness - hipper, younger and just more fun in general. Each month our staff will select a novel by an African American author. Those of us who participate will write a short commentary on the novel and then you, the reader, will respond to us in the Gloss Blog! The most compelling commentaries from you will be added to Glossmagazineonline. We got this Book Club started back in July and are bringing it back with one of the biggest novels of the year: Dreamgirls!
Yes, the movie is out THIS December, but now the author of play, Denene Millner, has penned a novel based on the play! The book has been in stores since November (in case you missed it in the hoopla of the film version) and we here at Glossmagazineonline want to know what you thought of the novel, the play AND the movie.
If you have already read the latest novel or seen the film or play by the acclaimed author and just can't wait to say your piece, then go ahead and post your comments on the Gloss Blog posting titled "Denene Millner's Dreamgirls Discussion Forum." Simply click "add comment" and get Glossy! Or you can always subscribe to the Gloss Blog and post your comments with your name attached. We look forward to reading your thoughts!
The film version of Dreamgirls has already won many awards and is up for several Oscars, including one for Jennifer Hudson for “Best Supporting Actress” and Eddie Murphy for “Best Supporting Actor.” Do you think Jennifer deserves the award? Are you surprised that Beyonce was not nominated? Post these thoughts, as well as your thoughts on the film, book and play in here the Gloss Blog!
African American Professors: The Struggles of Being African American and a Woman in Higher Education
Is racism still alive and well on college campuses? Let us know.
A Call for Submissions!
Glossmagazineonline.com wants to explore the topics and issues that are of importance to you the reader. We have had many articles in this section concerning the teaching methods and struggles of those in the classroom, as well as some advice for those heading off to college, or the job market. What have we missed? Post your comments here in the Gloss Blog and next issue we will address the issues that YOU say are important in education!
Is racism still alive and well on college campuses? Let us know.
A Call for Submissions!
Glossmagazineonline.com wants to explore the topics and issues that are of importance to you the reader. We have had many articles in this section concerning the teaching methods and struggles of those in the classroom, as well as some advice for those heading off to college, or the job market. What have we missed? Post your comments here in the Gloss Blog and next issue we will address the issues that YOU say are important in education!

Glossmagazineonline Exclusive: Getting Floetic with the Songtress: Marsha Angelique Ambrosius
What do you think about the break up of Floetry? Do you think Marsha can do it on her own? Is it the "norm" for the lead singer of any duo or group to break out and do the solo thing? Let us know your thoughts!
Who is Terrell Carter?
We may not all know who he is...yet, but we sure are willing to get to know him! What did you think of the interview? Let us know!
Kev Samples: Vocalist on the Rise
Have you heard any of the tracks by this young artist? What do you think? What about your thoughts on diss R&B mixtapes? Post them here!
February and March Album Release Dates
Did we miss any new CDs are tours hitting the road soon? Post them here!
A Rebellion of Soul: Artist Spotlight on Soul Rebel Media
Have you heard any of the tracks by this young artist or the Soul Rebel Collective? What do you think? How about your thoughts on a rapping lawyer? Is this really hip-hop suicide? Tell Us!

A Historical First: Two African American Coaches in the Super Bowl
So we know who won (Congrats to Coach Tony Dungy!). What are your thoughts on this historical day in American football history? Why did it take so long and why is this such a big deal anyway?
The Writing on the Wall: Is the U. S. Headed for an Inevitable War with Syria and Iran?
Tell us what you think about America's possible enemies? Is Bush creating the conflict or are these tensions between countries unavoidable?
Taking Community Responsibility a Step Further: INCERTing Hope Back into the Community
Tell us what your community is doing, or has done, to help those affected by natural disasters like Katrina.
Candidate for 2008—Part I
The Republican Perspective
You know know all the players on one team, who do you think will get the nomination?
Creative Writing/Poetry

Its rainin’ it’s pourin’, and everyone else is snorin’ while I’m watchin’ them yawnin’ – waitin’ for the crack of dawn and tryna’ get the rooster before he crows and...... Is it rainin' in your life? Tell us about it, and what you think about Tony's Poem, here!
One Soul, One Love
This story is getting deep! What would you do if you were in Cynda's situation? Would you save your life or the life of your unborn child? Tell us...
Abusive, Alcoholic Mommy
This piece is heartbreaking. Tell us what you think about the story, and the subject matter, here.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Welcome Back to Your Gloss Blog!!!

We are so glad that you are continuing to check out Glossmagazineonline! Please let us know your thoughts on our top stories:
- "Business Ideas on a Budget," Ramona Clay
- "Living Life as a Single Mother," Kilah S. Redditt
- "Some Questions About Physical Fitness Answered," Renita White
Also, tell us what you think about individual stories and poems in their section of the blog. We want Glossmagazineonline to be interactive, with YOU the reader writing the content.
Therefore, what you post here in the Gloss Blog could find its way onto the very Glossy pages of

Lastly, if you are interested in joining the Gloss family, send an email to Tiffania@glossmagazineonline.com.
If your interested in modeling for the magazine, send an email to models@glossmagazineonline.com. Our featured models are Ms. Sharon Divens and Ms. Eboni Inge. Click their pictures to read their bios!
So what are you waiting for? Get Glossy!!!
Beauty & Fashion

Holiday Party Style Guide
What do you think about the holiday style tips given by our Glossy publisher Tiffani? What is she missing? Suggest some other holiday fashion tips (as well as behavior suggestions!) for your Glossy sisters!
Decoding the Allure of Designer Bags
We KNOW that contributing writer Leslie Quander Wooldridge is not the only one who is a little bit obsessed with designer bags! How many of these pricey bags fill your closet and which ones are you dying to add to your collection?
Recycled Fashion
Which styles are you wishing would just disappear? What styles are you glad to still see in store windows?
Post your thoughts now!
Health & Fitness

Some Questions About Physical Fitness Answered
Staff writer Renita White really wants you to be healthy, and so does the staff at Glossmagazineonline! Please let us know if this story was helpful and direct any questions that you want Renita to answer directly to our health guru herself! Send your questions and concerns to Renita@glossmagazineonline.com
Celebs Shrinking Bodies
This commentary by Andrea addresses an issue that many of us have been talking about a lot lately. Are "black" celebs bending to the pressure to be skinny in Hollywood or are we generally ok with our curves as Andrea seems to believe?
Let us know your thoughts!
Finance & Business

Business Ideas on a Budget: 10 Legitimate Businesses You Can Start for Under $20
What are your thoughts on the story by contributing writer Ramona Clay? Have you started any of the suggested businesses? Do you have any tips to share?
More Money, More Problems
Why is it that more money does not seem to equal less problems? New staff writer Belashia Johnson has some very interesting observations on the subject -- what about you?
Black-Owned Businesses
Please send us your listings for Black-Owned Businesses in your community. Send listings to black-owned@glossmagazineonline.com
Employment Issues
Employment Issues for You to Consider
Glossmagazineonline wants to know what issues you are facing as African American women in the work place. Are you working in culturally diverse companies? Are you one of the minority or the majority? What about issues with things like equal pay and benefits, as well as with childcare and maternity leave? Do you feel any pressure to act a certain was as woman at work? What about your spouse – is he threatened by the amount of money you make?
Also, send us your links to other helpful sites for women looking to start or expand their careers!
Get Glossy and Post Now!
Glossmagazineonline wants to know what issues you are facing as African American women in the work place. Are you working in culturally diverse companies? Are you one of the minority or the majority? What about issues with things like equal pay and benefits, as well as with childcare and maternity leave? Do you feel any pressure to act a certain was as woman at work? What about your spouse – is he threatened by the amount of money you make?
Also, send us your links to other helpful sites for women looking to start or expand their careers!
Get Glossy and Post Now!

Living Life as a Single Mother
What are your thoughts on the story by Kilah? Are you a single mother who juggles all day long? Let us know what you go through on a daily basis and maybe offer some suggestions for the many women out there who are going through the same things
Glossmagazineonline Book Club Returns with Dreamgirls - The Novel!
Have you read the novel, or even seen the play or film? What are your thoughts? Which character do you relate to the most/least? Does the film live up to the hype, and does it hold a candle to the play or the novel?
Step Out on Faith
Our faith is tested constantly -- how do you keep the faith in your daily life?
Post your thoughts here!

What do you think about the issues discussed in this section by Matthew? Are you an educator who agrees with or disagrees with his comments? Does culture affect how students learn or how much they can achieve? Do different students really need to be taught differently? Lastly, do you have any ideas to add to Matthew's strategies to "empower African American learners?

Album Reviews: What do you think of the new albums from Ciara and Jay Z? Does Tiffani know music or is she waaaay off? Let her know!
Entertainment Briefs: What do you think about the rumors concerning Jay Z and Beyonce? Are they the greatest hip hop couple of all time? Why do we even care if they get married or not?
We know you have something to say about Michael Richards' comments and the response from Damon Wayans. What about Nas' ex? Ladies, would you pen a tell all book about your man? Let us know!


Obama For President!
Do you think Senator Barack Obama should run for president? What are his chances of winning and do you think America is ready for a black president?
MSK raises $631 for, participates in America Walk for Diabetes
Is your organization doing big things in the community like MSK? Let the editors at Glossmagazineonline know by sending us an email at editor@glossmagazineonline.com!
Is the Covenant With Black America an EffectiveWay of Solving the Problems of Black America?
What are your thought's on Matthew's piece concerning the Covenant?
Post them here!
Poetry & Creative Writing
Any comments on the two poems this issue, "Untitled & Unfinished" and "Untitled"? What about a poem that addresses or answers on of them?
One Soul, One Love is getting crazy right? Ladies, have you dated an older man like Janelle, no matter what your friends thought? And what about Cynda.... what's the emergency?? Post your thoughts here!
One Soul, One Love is getting crazy right? Ladies, have you dated an older man like Janelle, no matter what your friends thought? And what about Cynda.... what's the emergency?? Post your thoughts here!
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