GLOSS Magazine Online is going through a revamping period. The online Blog that currently greets visitors to the site is the preliminary step in development. Its purpose is to act as a meeting ground, connecting the publication to its audience and hopefully to those who are interested in writing. The magazine will officially launch in Spring of 2006 when the Blog will become a part of the actual online publication. We need your help in order to create a publication that meets your needs. This is the general overview of the publication.
GLOSS publishes news that focuses on pop-culture and is relevant to young, trendsetting African American women, age 18-30. The publication strives to be THE online destination for news that matters to this diverse group of women. Whether your interested in what’s going on in Hollywood or Washington, want to know the latest treatments being considered for diabetes, or if you searching for a deal on a little black dress, GLOSS wants you to come to us FIRST We want to make sure that the concerns of African American women that are all but ignored in other publications are answered in our virtual pages. What sets GLOSS apart from other similar publications is its cutting edge approach to pop-culture coverage. GLOSS is interactive. We want you to publish and respond to news on the site. The GLOSS woman is educated and getting her life together. Whether she is enrolled in college or just getting her feet wet in her chosen career field, the GLOSS woman is in need of news that is for HER – coverage of things that are a part of HER everyday world.
Now that you have been briefly introduced, it's time to get GLOSSY Please take a moment to answer the following questions in the comment section of this post. (Copy and past it in)Your answers will help us to create a publication that you would want to read with your feedback going directly into the type of content you will see on our pages this Spring. Therefore, your answers are extremely valuable to us and we thank you in advance!
1) African American, not of Hispanic Descent
2) African American of Hispanic Descent
4) Asian
5) Biracial
6) Other
1) 12 - 17
2) 18 - 24
3) 25 - 34
4) 35 - 44
5) 45 or older
1)Below $10,000
2)$10,000 – $19,999
3) $20,000 – $39,999
4) $40,000 – $59,999
5) $60,000 – $79,999
6) $80,000 – $99,999
7) $100,000 or more
Homeowner: Yes or No
Education Level:
1) Less Than High School
2) High School Graduate
3) Associates Degree
4) Bachelors Degree
5) Graduate or Professional School
Current Career Field:
1) Administrative
2) Education
3) Media/Editorial
4) Medical
5) Legal
6) Social Services
7)Other (please list) _______________
How often do you use the internet?
1) Once every couple of days
2) Once a day
3) 2-3 times a day
4) 4-6 times a day
5) Seven or more times a day
Where do you get the majority of your news?
1) Online
2) Newspapers/Magazines
3) Television
4) Radio
5) Other (please specify) _____________
If you were going to contribute to this magazine, which topic would you be most likely to write about?
What other topics would you like to see explored in a magazine for you? Please list.
The following are some potential topics that will be explored in GLOSS Magazine. Please tell us how interested you would be in learning about each topic, using a nine-point scale with "5" meaning "Extremely Interested" down to "1" meaning "Not Interested At All".
Health & Fitness
Financial & Business
Employment Issues
International Issues
Local News
International/National New
Poetry/Creative Writing
If you were going to contribute to this magazine, which topic would you be most likely to write about?
What other topics would you like to see explored in a magazine for you? Please list.
Would you post or respond to any of the articles posted/presented? Yes No
Do YOU think a publication just for this group of women is even needed? Yes No
Please look through the sample articles presented. Based on these samples, how likely are you to visit Gloss?
1) Not Likely At All
2) Somewhat Unlikely
3) Neither Likely or Unlikely
4) Somewhat Likely
5) I Will Definitely Visit!
Thank You for your help
Tiffani Alexander -Publisher
Sunday, November 20, 2005
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