Hey Shorty, Let Me Holla at You!
One male staff writer at Glossmagazineonline, Mr. Djoser Garrison-Quick, had a little something to say in response to the article by Tia Ewing. What do YOU have to say? Are you a man who thinks that it's alright to approach women differently based on their appearence? (clothing, age, etc.) Are you a woman fed up with the way men scream at you when your walking down the street? Post your thoughts here!

I Need a Ride-or-Die Chick She’s a rider.
The "Down @ss Chick" persona made popular in hip hop is spilling over into real life. What do you think about women being "down" for their man in ways that can sometimes be criminal? Was Lil' Kim being loyal or plain stupid? Let us know!
Glossmagazineonline Staff Infuse Poetry as Activism in Tanzania
Crystal Leigh Endsley and Tony Keith traveled to east Africa this summer to participate in a global service learning initiative and came back to the U.S. with a powerful message: “Art is Activism and Action brings social change.”
Does art bring about social change? Is it a tool of activisim? Music, poetry, images...all of these things have a message. What messages are YOU sending through your art? What message did you receive from this reflection of Tanzania? Post here!
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