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Welcome back to your Gloss Blog! What are your thoughts on our top two stories, both from Staff Writer Frances Moffett? Is Ashili Tamique doing it really big in Chicago? What about the the Double Vision of the Simmons twins' company Double Stitch Wear? Were you inspired by the African American women profiled this issue? Would you like to see more stories like this? Please let us know by Getting Glossy right here in the Gloss Blog!
So does Glossmagazineonline Fashion Editor Chelia Copeland have the trends for this season right? What other unusual trends have you seen on the streets?? Also, help us expand the Black-owned Spas listing.
Use this section of the Gloss Blog to post your thoughts on the stories about sex, fitness, and the plight of a skinny black woman!
Were you inspired by the stories in this section? Do you know of a Black-owned business that you would like to see featured in our listing? Post your thoughts here!
Please use this section of the Gloss Blog to answer the questions posed to you in "Black Women Going into Business for Themselves," as well as to list other employment resources that you know of as well as to comment on piece concering what jobs most women of color occupy.
This is where you need to post your thoughts on the stories that fill the Lifestyle section. Do you want a "Soldier" or a strong black man? What about the piece on being single until God says you're ready, or Ms. Lockhart's Decoding the Man Part II? Is your life balanced? Let us know, Get Glossy!
Use this section of the Gloss Blog to comment on the stories by Mr. Lynch concering educating our youth.

What do you think about the new albums from Fergie and Beyonce? What about the "leak" of Jay Z's "Show Me What You Got?" Use this section of the Gloss Blog to Get Glossy!
What did you think about this issue's chapter of of One Soul, One Love? What about the other creative writing piece -- crazy right? The poetry this go around seems personal -- what do you think? Are you waiting on the one you love to love you, or are you too questioning your freedom? Post your thoughts here, Get Glossy!