Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Welcome to the March/April GMO Blog!

Welcome to the new Blog! This is where YOU get to comment on the stories in YOUR online magazine!

In This Issue:

Top Story: Sheryl Underwood: Nothing to Laugh At
You probably have seen her on BET as the hilarious host of Comic View, or heard her unique brand of comedy on the Tom Joyner Morning Show. Maybe you have been fortunate enough to be in the audience of one of her shows, or seen her movies. But did this article give you another view of the comedian? Post your thoughts here!

Spotlight: Homosexuality in the Church
What are your thoughts on homosexuality in the church? Do you think there is a "problem" or is discussion of sexuality not relevant in terms of your faith? Does it matter what your sexual preference is? Does it? Post your thoughts here.

Special Feature: Seasonal Sensations
Have you been in romantic bliss with your significant other all winter––just to be dumped once April hits? Is there something to the "spring fling" attitude and why is it that men, and women, seem less interested in the person who kept them warm all winter once the seasons change? Post your thought here!


Beauty & Fashion

Health & Fitness

Finance & Business

Employment Issues





Poetry/Creative Writing/Photography

So go ahead, post your thoughts here! Simply make your subject line the story and section you are commenting on and get glossy! You never know, your thoughts may end on GMO next issue!