Eric Jerome Dickey's Chasing Destiny
Did you read the newest novel by Eric Jerome Dickey? Do you agree with Derek's review of the novel?
Life as an African American Woman
We still are looking for your experiences as a black woman. Send us your thoughts on marriage, dating, school anything that is a part of your everyday life.
“Hey Shorty, Let Me Holla At You” by Tia Ewing
We KNOW you have stories about how men come at you! What was the WORSE line you ever heard? Tell us about your dates from HELL!
Hey Tia your article on how men come at you was great. I feel what you are talking about. I work at Target as TPS and I have to wear a security uniform and men often come at me the wrong. "Ooh I should would like for u to handcuff me." R better yet come frisk me. If u trying to get at me this is not the proper way to do so. Approach me and say how r u today miss and we'll go from there
I agree with your article completely. Women are quick to jump down a mans throat when they try to holla when in reality we need to stop for a second and ask ourselves what am I doing/wearing to receive such attention. We as women need to be more comfortable with ourselves and okay with being alone. Many women respond to such ignorance because they have given up on finding a good guy and they figure any thing is better than nothing. As you said you'll always run into one or two ignorant fools that have no manners whatsoever, but most of the times if you're carrying yourself as a young lady should you'll be treated as one. Moral:respect isn't handed out, if you want it you have to be willing to work for it.
Shannon Wallace
This article does have a point, but blame should not rely solely on the woman. The author made a point that self respect starts at home with positive parental figures. This is applicable to men as well. If he's taught well at home, then he has sense enough to step to any woman with some sense.
I have a personal note: I am an educated woman who is pretty, shapely even. I don't walk out of the house with all my goods on display, but dudes STILL come at me wrong!! Kinda seems like you can't win for losing.
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