Sunday, December 17, 2006

Welcome Back to Your Gloss Blog!!!

We are so glad that you are continuing to check out Glossmagazineonline! Please let us know your thoughts on our top stories:

  • "Business Ideas on a Budget," Ramona Clay
  • "Living Life as a Single Mother," Kilah S. Redditt
  • "Some Questions About Physical Fitness Answered," Renita White

Also, tell us what you think about individual stories and poems in their section of the blog. We want Glossmagazineonline to be interactive, with YOU the reader writing the content.
Therefore, what you post here in the Gloss Blog could find its way onto the very Glossy pages of the magazine itself.

Lastly, if you are interested in joining the Gloss family, send an email to

If your interested in modeling for the magazine, send an email to Our featured models are Ms. Sharon Divens and Ms. Eboni Inge. Click their pictures to read their bios!

So what are you waiting for? Get Glossy!!!

Beauty & Fashion

Holiday Party Style Guide
What do you think about the holiday style tips given by our Glossy publisher Tiffani? What is she missing? Suggest some other holiday fashion tips (as well as behavior suggestions!) for your Glossy sisters!

Decoding the Allure of Designer Bags
We KNOW that contributing writer Leslie Quander Wooldridge is not the only one who is a little bit obsessed with designer bags! How many of these pricey bags fill your closet and which ones are you dying to add to your collection?

Recycled Fashion
Which styles are you wishing would just disappear? What styles are you glad to still see in store windows?

Post your thoughts now!

Health & Fitness

Some Questions About Physical Fitness Answered
Staff writer Renita White really wants you to be healthy, and so does the staff at Glossmagazineonline! Please let us know if this story was helpful and direct any questions that you want Renita to answer directly to our health guru herself! Send your questions and concerns to

Celebs Shrinking Bodies
This commentary by Andrea addresses an issue that many of us have been talking about a lot lately. Are "black" celebs bending to the pressure to be skinny in Hollywood or are we generally ok with our curves as Andrea seems to believe?

Let us know your thoughts!

Finance & Business

Business Ideas on a Budget: 10 Legitimate Businesses You Can Start for Under $20
What are your thoughts on the story by contributing writer Ramona Clay? Have you started any of the suggested businesses? Do you have any tips to share?

More Money, More Problems
Why is it that more money does not seem to equal less problems? New staff writer Belashia Johnson has some very interesting observations on the subject -- what about you?

Black-Owned Businesses
Please send us your listings for Black-Owned Businesses in your community. Send listings to

Employment Issues

Employment Issues for You to Consider

Glossmagazineonline wants to know what issues you are facing as African American women in the work place. Are you working in culturally diverse companies? Are you one of the minority or the majority? What about issues with things like equal pay and benefits, as well as with childcare and maternity leave? Do you feel any pressure to act a certain was as woman at work? What about your spouse – is he threatened by the amount of money you make?

Also, send us your links to other helpful sites for women looking to start or expand their careers!

Get Glossy and Post Now!


Living Life as a Single Mother
What are your thoughts on the story by Kilah? Are you a single mother who juggles all day long? Let us know what you go through on a daily basis and maybe offer some suggestions for the many women out there who are going through the same things

Glossmagazineonline Book Club Returns with Dreamgirls - The Novel!
Have you read the novel, or even seen the play or film? What are your thoughts? Which character do you relate to the most/least? Does the film live up to the hype, and does it hold a candle to the play or the novel?

Step Out on Faith
Our faith is tested constantly -- how do you keep the faith in your daily life?

Post your thoughts here!


What do you think about the issues discussed in this section by Matthew? Are you an educator who agrees with or disagrees with his comments? Does culture affect how students learn or how much they can achieve? Do different students really need to be taught differently? Lastly, do you have any ideas to add to Matthew's strategies to "empower African American learners?


Album Reviews: What do you think of the new albums from Ciara and Jay Z? Does Tiffani know music or is she waaaay off? Let her know!

Entertainment Briefs: What do you think about the rumors concerning Jay Z and Beyonce? Are they the greatest hip hop couple of all time? Why do we even care if they get married or not?

We know you have something to say about Michael Richards' comments and the response from Damon Wayans. What about Nas' ex? Ladies, would you pen a tell all book about your man? Let us know!

New Releases/Concerts dates: Did we miss anything? Post what we missed here.


Obama For President!

Do you think Senator Barack Obama should run for president? What are his chances of winning and do you think America is ready for a black president?

MSK raises $631 for, participates in America Walk for Diabetes

Is your organization doing big things in the community like MSK? Let the editors at Glossmagazineonline know by sending us an email at!

Is the Covenant With Black America an EffectiveWay of Solving the Problems of Black America?

What are your thought's on Matthew's piece concerning the Covenant?

Post them here!

Poetry & Creative Writing

Any comments on the two poems this issue, "Untitled & Unfinished" and "Untitled"? What about a poem that addresses or answers on of them?

One Soul, One Love is getting crazy right? Ladies, have you dated an older man like Janelle, no matter what your friends thought? And what about Cynda.... what's the emergency?? Post your thoughts here!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

October/November Issue of!

Welcome back to your Gloss Blog!

What are your thoughts on our top two stories, both from Staff Writer Frances Moffett? Is Ashili Tamique doing it really big in Chicago? What about the the Double Vision of the Simmons twins' company Double Stitch Wear?

Were you inspired by the African American women profiled this issue? Would you like to see more stories like this? Please let us know by Getting Glossy right here in the Gloss Blog!


So does Glossmagazineonline Fashion Editor Chelia Copeland have the trends for this season right? What other unusual trends have you seen on the streets?? Also, help us expand the Black-owned Spas listing.

Health & Fitness:

Use this section of the Gloss Blog to post your thoughts on the stories about sex, fitness, and the plight of a skinny black woman!

Finance & Business

Were you inspired by the stories in this section? Do you know of a Black-owned business that you would like to see featured in our listing? Post your thoughts here!

Employment Issues

Please use this section of the Gloss Blog to answer the questions posed to you in "Black Women Going into Business for Themselves," as well as to list other employment resources that you know of as well as to comment on piece concering what jobs most women of color occupy.


This is where you need to post your thoughts on the stories that fill the Lifestyle section. Do you want a "Soldier" or a strong black man? What about the piece on being single until God says you're ready, or Ms. Lockhart's Decoding the Man Part II? Is your life balanced?

Let us know, Get Glossy!


Use this section of the Gloss Blog to comment on the stories by Mr. Lynch concering educating our youth.


What do you think about the new albums from Fergie and Beyonce? What about the "leak" of Jay Z's "Show Me What You Got?"

Use this section of the Gloss Blog to Get Glossy!

Creative Writing/Poetry

What did you think about this issue's chapter of of One Soul, One Love? What about the other creative writing piece -- crazy right?

The poetry this go around seems personal -- what do you think? Are you waiting on the one you love to love you, or are you too questioning your freedom?

Post your thoughts here, Get Glossy!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Glossmagazineonline - August/September

Top Story
Hey Shorty, Let Me Holla at You!

One male staff writer at Glossmagazineonline, Mr. Djoser Garrison-Quick, had a little something to say in response to the article by Tia Ewing. What do YOU have to say? Are you a man who thinks that it's alright to approach women differently based on their appearence? (clothing, age, etc.) Are you a woman fed up with the way men scream at you when your walking down the street? Post your thoughts here!

Click here for Model Bio

I Need a Ride-or-Die Chick She’s a rider.
The "Down @ss Chick" persona made popular in hip hop is spilling over into real life. What do you think about women being "down" for their man in ways that can sometimes be criminal? Was Lil' Kim being loyal or plain stupid? Let us know!

Glossmagazineonline Staff Infuse Poetry as Activism in Tanzania
Crystal Leigh Endsley and Tony Keith traveled to east Africa this summer to participate in a global service learning initiative and came back to the U.S. with a powerful message: “Art is Activism and Action brings social change.”

Does art bring about social change? Is it a tool of activisim? Music, poetry, images...all of these things have a message. What messages are YOU sending through your art? What message did you receive from this reflection of Tanzania? Post here!

Get Glossy

Beauty & Fashion

Fall 2006 Fashion Trends
Are the 80's really STILL here?? What about this whole leggings trend? What are fashions should we be on the look out for in the Fall? Also, are you a woman who tends to follow trends or set your own? Glossy minds want to know? !

Pamper Yourself - Spas
All of the Spas listed in this section are Black-owned so please go out and support them! We will update this listing next month, as we ALL need to relax, not matter what state we live in! Send us your picks for the best Spas in your hometown!

Natural Beauty: Letting it All Grow Out!
Have you gone natural? What are some of the problems you had taking your hair back to its natural state? Why did you choose to go natural? What about those of you who wear a relaxer, why have you choosen to avoid the natural?
Click here for model bio

Get Glossy!

Health & Fitness Section

Celebrity Bodies
Who has the hottest body in Hollywood?
What are your fitness and exercise tips?

Staying Fit While Enjoying the Summer Weather
What are some of the outdoor activities that you do in order stay summer sexy?

Avoiding Fall Weight Gain
It's very easy to gain weight in the Fall - adding that layer of fat for warmth! What can we do to stop the cycle? Do you agree with Andrea's tips? What have you tried that has worked?

Get Glossy!

Finance & Business Section

A Few Tips on Finances for Women
What are your thoughts on this story concerning women and their finances? Have you mastered the art of saving or investing? Share some of your tips and success stories here in the Gloss Blog!

Black-Owned Businesses
Please help us update this listing by emailing us black-owned businesses in your community. Send your businesses to

Employment Issues

Non-Traditional Jobs For Women
Have you ever considered a job in construction or law enforement? Are you currently working in a field that is not "traditionally" female? Let us know!

Employment Links Part II
Share some of the employment resources that you have come across during your job searches. Also, is this listing helpful? What other types of articles would you like to see in this section?

Get Glossy!

Lifestyle Section

Response to “Hey Shorty, Let Me Holla at You”
The original story by staff writer Tia Ewing was one of our most popular yet. You all had a lot to say and we know that you thoughts on Djoser's take on how men approach women. Post here!

I Need a Ride-or-Die Chick
The "Down @ss Chick" persona made popular in hip hop is spilling over into real life. What do you think about women being "down" for their man in ways that can sometimes be criminal?

From His and Her View: Defining the Relationship
Do you agree with Bianca and Djoser's take on what makes a relationship work? What about your own relationship - how do you make things last?

White Women Define Success
Interracial dating is always a touchy topic. We know this one by Tia will get you talking -go ahead and get started!

Decoding The Man
Ok guys, did new staff writer Ikeda get it right? Are the guys who answered her questions the minority or the majority?

Get Glossy!


Back-to-School Tips
Did we miss any back-to-school tips? List them here!

Declaring a Major
How many majors did you have in school? Are you actually working in the field from which you recieved your degree? What about the information about CEO's - surprised? Tell us here!

Get Glossy!

Entertainment Section

Album Review: Kelis Was Here
Have you heard the new CD from Mrs. Jones? Is the review on point or did Tiffani miss the mark? Let us know!

Upcoming CD Releases and Concerts: August/September
Did we miss any CDs or Concerts happening this month? Post them here!

Entertainment Briefs
What are your thoughts on Cassie, Fantasia, Spike Lee, Usher and Busta Bust?

Album Review: India.Arie
What do you think about Djoser's rating system? Do you agree or think he's off his rocker? Let us know!

Get Glossy!

News Section

Glossmagazineonline Staff Infuse Poetry as Activism in Tanzania
Tell us your thoughts about Tony and Crystal's visit to Tanzania. Also, check out more pics from the trip in the Photography section of!

My Sister's Keepers Help Habitat for Humanity
The ladies of My Sister's Keeper are doing their part in the community. What are you or your organization doing to help improve your neighborhoods? Let us know!

Get Glossy!

Creative Writing & Poetry Section

One Soul, One Love: Chapter 3
What do think about the latest installment from Mr. Gray?

Creative Writing Piece
This one is deep! What do you think about Karen and her views on men? What about her statements about her baby?

Eye Like to Tell Stories by Anthony Keith

Are you still waiting to look into someone's eyes and feel what Anthony feels? Let us know!

Media: Pimps by Anthony Keith
Women and men NEED to really pay attention to this piece. Tell us what you think or post a response poem here.

Not This Time
New staff writer Ikeda is talking about those "friends with benefits" that more times than not lead to heart-ache. Have you been there?

Get Glossy!

Friday, July 14, 2006

July Top Story: Amel Larrieux Interview

Singer Amel Larrieux was nice enough to speak to Glossmagazineonline publisher Tiffani Alexander via telephone from LA. What are your thoughts on the piece and on this special artist in general? What are your favorite tracks from Morning, Bravebird or Infinite Possibilities? Post them here!

Also, make sure to check out Amel's website at Bliss Life for further information about the artist, tour dates and to purchase music.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Beauty & Fashion Section - July Issue!

The Feeling of Beauty by Britney Clark
What do you consider to be beautiful and how do you think your perception of beauty was formed? Does real beauty come from the inside or is society more concerned with the physical? Let us know your thoughts.

Celeb Beauty Secretes
Are you a celeb-in the making who has beauty secretes to share? Post them now!

Model: Sharon Divens. Click Here to read her bio

How to Dress Like A Star
Editor Chelia Copeland gave us some great tips on how to dress like a star without spending star money. Do you have any other tips? Post them here!

Summer Fashion Trends
Do you agree with Glossmagazineonline Publisher Tiffani Alexander's trends for this summer season? Did she miss anything? Post your summer trends here!

Upcoming Fashion News
Glossmagazineonline is happy to advertise events in the community. We hope you check out the Fashion Face Off if you are in the Chicago area! Do you have any events coming up that you would like for us to advertise in the pages of Glossmagazineonline? If so, send them to

Health & Fitness Section

So Cosmo Says You’re Fat Part 2
We all have struggled with our weight at some point in our lives. What do you think about the pieces discussing this issue by Staff Writer Andrea Bacon? Do you think the images that we see on television have impact on how we view ourselves? What about the idea of being healthy vrs weighing less? Post your thoughts here.

What do you think about article focusing on Obesity in the Black Community by Tiffani Alexander? Do you have more tips for healthy living and staying fit? Post them here.


Finance & Business Section

Black-Owned Businesses
To add a black-owned business that you know of to our listing, either include the information here in this posting by clicking the “comment” tab, or send an email to

To Rent or Buy
To comment on the informative report by realtor Kristin Johnson, post here.Are you looking to buy a house or condo?Are you confused about how to get started in the whole process of moving from renter to home-owner? Post those questions here and email Kristin at for more information.

Employement Issues

Why Are Women Still Making Less Money Than Men? by Tiffani Alexander
What did you think about the story on the issues many women face at work? Can you believe that women are still making less money than their male counterparts?

The Double Edged Sword: Fighting Racism and Sexism in the Workplace
Assistant Editor Bianca Sisson pointed out some surprising facts about women in the workplace, as well as the impact that things like education have on ones success rate there. What do you think about the story? Anything important that you feel needs to be added to this piece?


Eric Jerome Dickey's Chasing Destiny
Did you read the newest novel by Eric Jerome Dickey? Do you agree with Derek's review of the novel?

Life as an African American Woman
We still are looking for your experiences as a black woman. Send us your thoughts on marriage, dating, school anything that is a part of your everyday life.

“Hey Shorty, Let Me Holla At You” by Tia Ewing
We KNOW you have stories about how men come at you! What was the WORSE line you ever heard? Tell us about your dates from HELL!


Education Section

Maryland Teens Get Help for College by Marcia T. Hart-Wise
Has your organization awarded any grants to students of color or contributed to an effort to help young people attend college? If so Glossmagazineonline wants to know. Send your organization's information and efforts to

In the photo: Lauren Williams, a senior at Thomas Stone High School in Waldorf, Md. left, and Erika Clark, a senior at Central High School in Capitol Heights, Md.
Photo by Janice Cannon

Top Institutes of Higher Education
We still want to hear from you about the differences, benefits and disadvantages of attending an HBCU verses a traditional college or university.


Entertainment/Movies/Music Section

BET Award Coverage: “Its All In The Stars”
We may not have all been able to walk to red and black carpets at this year's BET Awards like Staff Writer Britney Clark, but we all have our thoughts about the show. Do you agree with Britney's picks for the best performances?

Album Review: Gnarls Barkley’s St. Elsewhere
“I remember when, I remember, I remember when, I lost my mind.” Gloss Album Reviewer Djoser Garrison has created a rating system consisting of Spins. Do you agree with his 9 Spins for the new ablum from Ceelo Green and Danger Mouse, aka Gnarls Barkley?

Entertainment Briefs
So much is going on in the entertainment world! Do you think Def Jam was wrong for dropping Ms. Christina? What about Brandy joining The View of Vivica Dancing With The Stars? What do think Lil' Kim will do with her new-found freedom! Did we miss something? If so post the gossip here!


News Section

Internet: The New Super Toll Way by Frances Moffett
The article on “Net neutrality” sure makes you think. What would you do if the internet was no longer free and open?

President Bush – Who is that?
We all have our own opinions about the President. Do you agree with Staff Writer Tia Ewing or do you think she was being a bit too hard on the leader of the free world?

Variations in Africa’s Social Norms
Do you have anything else to add to the commentary on Tia's piece about women in Africa from the June issue?


Poetry/Creative Writing/Photograpghy Section

Photography: What do you think about the great pictures from Tanzania that Staff Columnist and Poet Anthony Keith and future contributing writer Crystal Leigh Endsley? Do you have photos that you would like to submit? If so, email them to the publisher at!

Poems: "A Poem To Rent" by Anthony Keith and "A Relationship Gone Bad" by Brandon Thompson

What do you think about the poems this issue? Have you ever felt like Brandon - just fed up with the whole relationship thing? Or have you felt like Anthony - willing to let someone live in your heart rent free?

Creative Writing Piece:
One Soul, One Love by Derek L. Gray

What do you think Cynda and Michael's situation? What would you do if you were in Cynda's shoes?

POST NOW! Get Glossy!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Proper Work Attire

Do you agree with our fashion editor’s suggestions for proper workplace attire?

Which career fashionista are you?

Are you a:

Bohemian Sheek Chic

Trendy Bold Showstopper

Classy Conservative Chica

Neutral Natural Femme

Pop Star Diva

or a

Soul Princess?

Post your comments here!
Model: Eboni Inge
Photographer: Rebecca Bousquet

To Rent Or To Buy

To comment on the informative report by realtor Kristin Johnson, post here.

Are you looking to buy a house or condo?

Are you confused about how to get started in the whole process of moving from renter to home-owner?

Post those questions here and email Kristin at for more information.

Some Facts About Obesity / So Cosmo Says You’re Fat

Glossmagazineonline laid out some of the facts about obesity, as well as the importance of implementing a healthy diet and exercise regimen into your daily life. What are some of your thoughts on obesity? Do you have any other tips for starting on the path to a more healthy lifestyle, as well as how to maintain it?

How about images of beauty – have you ever felt like Andrea? Do you think that body image is affected by society and is the black women’s [general] acceptance of larger hips, thighs and bottoms really a good thing if it could potentially jeopardize our health?

Post your answers to these questions and other general comments here!

Beauty: Our Glossy Skin Care Picks

The staff of Glossmagazineonline gave you some of our favorite skin care products, now its your turn to share your beauty secretes for beautiful, clear, and Glossy skin!

Post your skin care picks here!

Model: Eboni Inge
Photographer: Rebecca Bousquet

Fashion and the Plus-sized Women

Jannelle gave some sound advice on where to find the latest styles and trends in fashion when you are working with a little extra junk in the trunk (like most of us!). What did you think of the story? Do you have any other fashion advice for all the sisters with fuller shapes?

Post your comments here.

Fashion & Beauty: What’s Hot This Season

Do you agree with our Fashion Editor’s picks for what’s hot this season? If you think Chelia nailed it, or maybe she missed a trend that you feel is worth mentioning, post your comments here!

Finance & Business: Black-Owned Businesses

To add a black-owned business that you know of to our listing, either include the information here in this posting by clicking the “comment” tab, or send an email to

Employment Links

Share other links that could be of help to those searching for a job, as well as more links to resources for issues that may come up for women in the workplace.

Tips for Success in the Workplace

What are some other tips for success in the workplace?

Post your suggestions here!

Employment Issues: Resumes, References, Transcripts and Myspace?

What do you think about your future boss checking out your MySpace page? What about your current boss browsing your photo album or reading your rants on your personal Blog space? Post your comments here.

Lifestyle Section – Topics Worth Considering & The Eric Jerome Dickey’s "Chasing Destiny" Discussion Forum

The staff at Glossmagazineonline realizes that an important lifestyle issue facing African American women involves relationships. Please respond here to the following the questions:

  • Are you a single woman looking for love?
  • How about a new wife who just started graduate school?
  • Are you a woman more concerned with your career than a relationship?
  • Have you reached 30 and are still unmarried?
  • Do you think that all the emphasis on love and marriage is unnecessary and in no way a reflection of your value as a woman?

Let us know which topics you would like to see explored on Glossmagazineonline

Eric Jerome Dickey’s Chasing Destiny Discussion Forum

Post your thoughts on the new book from acclaimed author Eric Jerome Dickey here!

Education: "Historically Black Colleges & Universities verses Traditional Institutes of Education.”

The college experience is naturally different for students of color, especially for the women within this group, depending on where they choose to study. Glossmagazineonline wants to know:

HBCUs the best place for African American women to receive their education?

What are the differences between attending a HBCU and a traditional college or university?

What do students gain or miss out on by attending one or the other?

Glossmagazineonline is posing these questions to you. Have you attended a historically black university or college, or a traditional institution, or both?

What do you see as the differences, similarities, gains and losses for attending one or the other – or both?

Please post your responses here! Next month we will continue this discussion, and include some of your thoughts and experiences in the discussion on


Amel Larrieux’s Morning

What are your thoughts on the new album from Amel Larrieux? Do you agree with Glossmagazineonline review? Post your thoughts here!

Click here to visit Mrs. Larrieux's website and to purchase Morning!

Call for News Submissions

Glossmagazineonline would like to add local news to the publication. We want news that includes more than just what can be seen on television nightly – we want community news. What is going on in YOUR community? Let us know! Submit your community/local news to

News: Variations in Africa

What do you think of the piece on women in leadership position in Africa? Post your thought’s and responses to Tia’s story here!

“One Soul, One Love” By Derek L. Gray.

So what do you think has Michael ringing Cynda’s phone like crazy? Relationships are full of ups and downs and it looks like theirs is on a down swing. What are your thoughts on Chapter 1 of “One Soul, One Love”? Post them here!

Poetry/Creative Writing

To respond to Anthony’s poem, “Her Name Was Color” simply click the “comment” tab and post your thoughts. Do you have an answer to “Her Name Was Color” or a complementary piece? Post it here! Are you a poet who wants to be published on Glossmagazineonline? If so, please submit your work to the publisher at


Are you an up-and-coming photographer who would like to see your work grace the pages of Glossmagazineonline? If so, please submit your photographs, with permission for their use on Glossmagazineonline, to the publisher at

Monday, April 24, 2006

Glossmagazineonline.Com Call For Submissions!

Are you a writer? Poet? Photographer? Model? Web Designer? Interested in working in Public Relations?

Are you currently in school or just out and looking for a place to showcase your work?
Do you want to be involved in a project from the ground up? A part of the building blocks to something great?

Then is the place for you to get your work out there!

The magazine, launching late May 2006, is looking for submissions, as well as people interested in promoting the online publication through networking with arts programs at colleges and universities. Content is needed for the following sections:

Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness, Financial & Business, News (both local and national), Topics in Education, Entertainment News, Poetry and Creative Writings with an African American woman focus. is a publication for and by African American women, 18-30, that strives to provide coverage of the things that matter to this diverse group. However, you do not have to be an African American female to submit your work! (Photographers, Web Designers, PR, etc.) All we ask is that your work support this vision!

If you are interested in getting your work in Glossmagazineonline, please send an email to

-These are non-paid opportunities, however Glossmagazineonline is interested in supporting YOUR endeavors and wants to advertise those endeavors in the pages of the publication.

"Glossmagazineonline, building an arts community through outreach and support of the one thing we all have....DREAMS!"

Monday, January 30, 2006

National Wear Red Day

National Wear Red Day is on Feb. 3, 2006. This is a day when Americans nationwide will take women's health to heart by wearing red to show their support for women's heart disease awareness. More women die of heart disease than all cancers combined, yet only 20 percent of women identify heart disease as the greatest health problem facing women today and most fail to make the connection between its risk factors and their personal risk of developing heart disease.

National Wear Red Day is an annual event held on the first Friday in February. On this day, women and men across the country will unite and wear red in the national movement in order to draw attention to the fact that women are at great risk of developing heart disease. Everyone can participate by showing off a favorite red dress, shirt, tie, or by wearing the Red Dress Pin

Encourage your family, friends, and coworkers to rock RED on February 3rd.