Sunday, December 17, 2006

Welcome Back to Your Gloss Blog!!!

We are so glad that you are continuing to check out Glossmagazineonline! Please let us know your thoughts on our top stories:

  • "Business Ideas on a Budget," Ramona Clay
  • "Living Life as a Single Mother," Kilah S. Redditt
  • "Some Questions About Physical Fitness Answered," Renita White

Also, tell us what you think about individual stories and poems in their section of the blog. We want Glossmagazineonline to be interactive, with YOU the reader writing the content.
Therefore, what you post here in the Gloss Blog could find its way onto the very Glossy pages of the magazine itself.

Lastly, if you are interested in joining the Gloss family, send an email to

If your interested in modeling for the magazine, send an email to Our featured models are Ms. Sharon Divens and Ms. Eboni Inge. Click their pictures to read their bios!

So what are you waiting for? Get Glossy!!!

Beauty & Fashion

Holiday Party Style Guide
What do you think about the holiday style tips given by our Glossy publisher Tiffani? What is she missing? Suggest some other holiday fashion tips (as well as behavior suggestions!) for your Glossy sisters!

Decoding the Allure of Designer Bags
We KNOW that contributing writer Leslie Quander Wooldridge is not the only one who is a little bit obsessed with designer bags! How many of these pricey bags fill your closet and which ones are you dying to add to your collection?

Recycled Fashion
Which styles are you wishing would just disappear? What styles are you glad to still see in store windows?

Post your thoughts now!

Health & Fitness

Some Questions About Physical Fitness Answered
Staff writer Renita White really wants you to be healthy, and so does the staff at Glossmagazineonline! Please let us know if this story was helpful and direct any questions that you want Renita to answer directly to our health guru herself! Send your questions and concerns to

Celebs Shrinking Bodies
This commentary by Andrea addresses an issue that many of us have been talking about a lot lately. Are "black" celebs bending to the pressure to be skinny in Hollywood or are we generally ok with our curves as Andrea seems to believe?

Let us know your thoughts!

Finance & Business

Business Ideas on a Budget: 10 Legitimate Businesses You Can Start for Under $20
What are your thoughts on the story by contributing writer Ramona Clay? Have you started any of the suggested businesses? Do you have any tips to share?

More Money, More Problems
Why is it that more money does not seem to equal less problems? New staff writer Belashia Johnson has some very interesting observations on the subject -- what about you?

Black-Owned Businesses
Please send us your listings for Black-Owned Businesses in your community. Send listings to

Employment Issues

Employment Issues for You to Consider

Glossmagazineonline wants to know what issues you are facing as African American women in the work place. Are you working in culturally diverse companies? Are you one of the minority or the majority? What about issues with things like equal pay and benefits, as well as with childcare and maternity leave? Do you feel any pressure to act a certain was as woman at work? What about your spouse – is he threatened by the amount of money you make?

Also, send us your links to other helpful sites for women looking to start or expand their careers!

Get Glossy and Post Now!


Living Life as a Single Mother
What are your thoughts on the story by Kilah? Are you a single mother who juggles all day long? Let us know what you go through on a daily basis and maybe offer some suggestions for the many women out there who are going through the same things

Glossmagazineonline Book Club Returns with Dreamgirls - The Novel!
Have you read the novel, or even seen the play or film? What are your thoughts? Which character do you relate to the most/least? Does the film live up to the hype, and does it hold a candle to the play or the novel?

Step Out on Faith
Our faith is tested constantly -- how do you keep the faith in your daily life?

Post your thoughts here!


What do you think about the issues discussed in this section by Matthew? Are you an educator who agrees with or disagrees with his comments? Does culture affect how students learn or how much they can achieve? Do different students really need to be taught differently? Lastly, do you have any ideas to add to Matthew's strategies to "empower African American learners?


Album Reviews: What do you think of the new albums from Ciara and Jay Z? Does Tiffani know music or is she waaaay off? Let her know!

Entertainment Briefs: What do you think about the rumors concerning Jay Z and Beyonce? Are they the greatest hip hop couple of all time? Why do we even care if they get married or not?

We know you have something to say about Michael Richards' comments and the response from Damon Wayans. What about Nas' ex? Ladies, would you pen a tell all book about your man? Let us know!

New Releases/Concerts dates: Did we miss anything? Post what we missed here.


Obama For President!

Do you think Senator Barack Obama should run for president? What are his chances of winning and do you think America is ready for a black president?

MSK raises $631 for, participates in America Walk for Diabetes

Is your organization doing big things in the community like MSK? Let the editors at Glossmagazineonline know by sending us an email at!

Is the Covenant With Black America an EffectiveWay of Solving the Problems of Black America?

What are your thought's on Matthew's piece concerning the Covenant?

Post them here!

Poetry & Creative Writing

Any comments on the two poems this issue, "Untitled & Unfinished" and "Untitled"? What about a poem that addresses or answers on of them?

One Soul, One Love is getting crazy right? Ladies, have you dated an older man like Janelle, no matter what your friends thought? And what about Cynda.... what's the emergency?? Post your thoughts here!